这两天在LOC看到了一个帖子,有搬瓦工官方的TK回复,搬瓦工官方明确不允许账户销售/所有权转移(we do not allow account sale/ownership transfers)。所以,还是谨慎吧。要是遇到个不靠谱的,那就真是打水漂了。
It looks like this account was recently returned to its original owner. Please note that we do not allow account sale/ownership transfers.
Regretfully there is not much we can do in this case, as we can only modify account details to the original contact information which was set when account was created.
We recommend contacting the person who transferred/gave access to the account to you in the first place.
Thank you.
Daniel Clay
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks